Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas
Beautiful male ready to work! Striking lovely maroon color! Beautiful headpiece! Very straight legs!

Maroon w/Acero Marka lines!

Pheasant Ridge Joker's Wild

Alpaca, Huacaya, Herdsire (Male) | White, DarkBrown

AOA #30557093 | DOB: 6/24/2006 (18 yrs)


Full Bolivian-Acero/Marka!

Rolling Acres Thor

HuacayaHerdsire (Male)Beige, Medium Brown, DarkBrown, Bay Black, True Black
AOA# 833870DOB: 6/26/200123 yrs
For reference only: Genetics: Thor's grandparents were all Bolivian imports, three from Acero Marka. He has very unique genetics because he comes from all suri lines. Conformation: Excellent structure, very sound and solid. Great presence. Nice balance, straight legs and topline, beautiful typey Bolivian head, great topnot, and a perfect bite, all of which he has passed on to his offspring. His bite has never needed trimming. Fleece: Thor has unusual coloring-dark brown blanket, black on head, neck, and legs, and he is vicuna marked in beige. His fleece is extremely dense, and he still has very nice coverage. He had excellent staple length when he was a bit younger. He still has fine, bright, crimpy, uniform fleece (see fleece pic). He has produced true black and maroon (dark brown) thus far, both offspring darker than their dams. Would be willing to trade breedings with another colored full Bolivian. Give us a call or email for more photos. Fleece samples from multiple years available. Our herd is BVD free. Sadly, we lost Thor 1-1-14

Very nice producer!

Brenna's Lil' Cracker

HuacayaBred (Female)Medium Brown
AOA# 834368DOB: 11/16/200123 yrs
Cracker just had her 5th cria, a lovely medium brown male out of our white Reserve CH, Royal Edition. Trip has excellent conformation, and presence, a gorgeous head and topnot, and very dense, uniform, fine fleece in a rich brown color. Cracker is one of our foundation females. She is a beautiful rich medium brown out of two imports, a fawn and a true black. Cracker is a big girl with good bone, very nice conformation, a great head/topnot, and a perfect bite (has never needed trimming). Cracker has very bright, very fine, dense, uniform, high frequency crimped fleece. She still has a fine, crimped fleece at 8 yrs of age. She has proven to be a wonderful mother, having never had a difficult pregnancy or birth. If fact, Cracker always waits to have her cria when we are gone! She has always had large (close to 20#s), robust crias with excellent IgGs. She has produced some lovely offpring-all have had very nice conformation, with typey heads, and beautiful, uniform, fine, fleeces. She has produced dark rose grey, light, medium and dark brown (maroon), and medium fawn (vicuna). Check out our openherd pages for Cracker's kids-Jasper, Joker, Jack, Flicker, and her newest cria, Triple Crown. We are offering Cracker for sale to the right farm as we have a good representation of her genetics here. Cracker is currently bred to our black Reserve Color Champion, Tahoe, and sells with free breedings for life! We have a very nice array of herdsires to pick from as well. Cracker has been a wonderful foundation female for us and we would like to offer her to someone else who could use the benefit of her experience being an easy breeder and a great mother with very healthy crias. Microchipped and tested BVD free.



- Purchase Terms


Joker is a flashy, young, dark brown (maroon) male who is more than ready to meet your girls! Joker is related to the majority of our females and we also have his sire and dam so we don't need him for our breeding program, but he has a lot to offer another farm. For someone looking to improve conformation, density, fineness and uniformity in their fleeces, Joker would be an excellent choice. Genetics: Joker's sire is a dark brown full Bolivian from Acero Marka lines. His dam is out of Cuncullane's Golden Boy (West Coast genetics). Conformation: Joker is very well balanced and has excellent conformation all around-very straight legs, a strong topline, a typey Bolivian head, good bone, a correct bite (has never needed trimming), and large, even testicles. Fleece: Joker has very bright, high frequency crimped fleece which is very uniform, very dense, and very fine. He has excellent coverage down to his toes. Joker's fleece is solid except for some white on his head, neck, chest and one foot. He also has grey on his muzzle, and a lot of color in his pedigree. We think he should be able to produce a nice variety of colors including grey and black. Joker has siblings in true black, dark rose grey, medium and dark brown and medium fawn. His dam is maroon with awesome structure and fleece coverage and his sire is a striking full Bolivian who is dark brown with black points. Temperament/Personality: Sweet male. Email or call for more photos and a fleece sample! Our herd is BVD free.


[3rd] Shepherd's Harvest Fleece Show 2010

Purchase Terms

0% creative finance is available.

Updated 5/25/2017