[1st] 1st Place Halter-2010 Heartland Indiana Classic, 2 & Older Male. I was thrilled with Judge Sharon Loner's comments .." This guy is Spectacular..and I mean Spectacular. Great robust body, great head style, perfect bite. Very soft fleece with well-defined crimp style.

[2nd] 2nd Place halter - 2009 MOPACA

[RC] RESERVE CHAMPION Fleece - 2009 Mid America

[2nd] 2nd Place Fleece - 2009 Mid America

[2nd] 2nd Place halter - 2009 Mid America

[CC] COLOR CHAMPION halter - 2010 Oklahoma Blastoff

[1st]1st Place halter - 2010 Oklahoma Blastoff

[1st] 1st Place halter - 2010 MOPACA