Kahuna's Sunkissed is our multi-colored Pattern, full Peruvian herdsire. He has won multiple Championships and Reserve Championships including the 2011 Futurity and 2012 MOPACA halter shows, and the 2012 Suri Network Fleece Show. His density and luster are the best of all of our males, and his fleece has that dreamy handle that brings out the "oohs" and the smiles.
According to Alan Cousill, Sunkissed is the ONLY multi-colored offspring Kahuna has produced to date.
Breedings are now being booked in Oklahoma, at $1500.
Hear and see Judge's Comments on Sunkissed at CABO 2013

[1st]1st Place, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff 2011

[1st]1st Place, Futurity 2011

[RC]Reserve Champion, Futurity 2011

[1st]1st Place, GWAS 2011

[1st]1st Place, ABR Fall Festival, 2011

[1st]First Place, Hi-Planes Alpaca Show 2011

[1st]First Place, TxOLAN Spectacular 2012

[1st]First Place, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff, Apr. 2012

[1st]First Place, Futurity 2012

[1st]1st Place, MOPACA 2012

[CC]Color Champion, MOPACA 2012

[2nd]2nd Place, GWAS 2012

[1st]1st Place, Suri Network Fleece Show 2012

[RC]Reserve Champion, Suri Network Fleece Show 2012

[1st]1st Place Halter, ABR Fall Festival 2012

[1st]1st Place Fleece, ABR Fall Festival 2012

[1st]1st Place Halter, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff, Nov. 2012

[1st]1st Place Fleece, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff, Nov. 2012

[BE]Best Luster, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff, Nov. 2012

[JC]Judge's Choice Suri Fleece, A-OK Alpaca Blastoff, Nov. 2012

[1st]1st Place Fleece, Hi-Plains Alpaca Show 2012

[1st]1st Place Halter, CABO 2013

[1st]1st Place Fleece, CABO 2013

[1st]1st Place Halter, GWAS 2013