Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas
15.9 afd spin fineness @ 3 yr old

Scientific Data

1/1/201315.1 afd; 3.1 sd; 20.3 cv; 0.3 %>30
1/1/201415.1 afd; 3.0 sd; 19.9 cv; 0.4 %>30
1/1/201516.3 afd; 3.5 sd; 21.3 cv; 0.3 %>30 (15.9 SF)

6 Traits @ 1% @ 10 years old.

Stargazer's Royal Rumble

Alpaca, Huacaya, Male | Medium Fawn

AOA #32309904 | DOB: 5/21/2012 (12 yrs)

Sire: 6P Royal Gold Imp98

Antacala Import Exported to the Universe

6P Royal Gold Imp98

HuacayaHerdsire (Male)Medium Fawn
AOA# 808058DOB: 1/1/1996
Royal Gold passed in 2013 at about 17 yo. He was one of the nations finest imports. It was quite an eye opener in the 1990's when his first cria started testing at 14 and 15 micron. Many also sustained that fineness until well into adult years. He also produced many black and grey offspring even when bred to lighter colors. Antares is a solid black herdsire with a great disposition that we are still using today. He is among the top 10 Black herdsires in the EPD program for improving both fineness and fleece weight. Consistent, Persistence, Fineness.... A product of the Antacalla/Allianza breeding program, Royal Gold was originally held as the importer's personal herdsire selection in the last Peruvian importation (1998). His reproducibility is undeniable! He has proven to improve density, fineness and crimp. Royal Gold has sired numerous Champion, blue ribbon offspring that will always get comments from the judge remarking about their fineness and presence. He was capable of producing all colors, including black and grey. One of his greatest gifts to his offspring was passing on his strong presence and attitude which is noticeable from birth. Stargazer's Antares (black) and Royal Rumble are taking over his duties with a new defined purpose. We can now offer his genetics in a greater depth of color and fineness. Rumble has been 15 micron for two years in a row.
 AOA# 808058 Medium Fawn
Dam: nwa, ltd Bella Bianca




Rumble was16.3 Micron at 3 years old. 23 micron at 10 years old. That is the definition of persistent fineness, He is one of the best 6P Royal Gold’s males we produced in our breeding program and that says alot. He held royal grade fineness until almost 10yrs old. He also has the herdsire focus when it comes to breeding. His sire Royal Gold (RG), came in among the last of imports from Peru. (The most heavily screened and rigorous of the importations.) RG originated from the Antacalla region. He made his way to our breeding program after quickly making a name for himself as a herdsire for one of the top importers. His offspring were easy to pick out in the auction catalogs as they all had his great head style and presence. Royal Gold’s persistent fineness has also carried through to his offspring. Rumble could be used for color as well. His sire produced a lot of color and had the ability to pass on his fineness to black and modern gray crias. Antares (RG x Arwen) is our black herdsire. These two have replaced Royal Gold in our breeding program. Rumble’s dam, Bella Bianca is a National Blue Ribbon white. Her sire, El Bello, was one of Hemingway’s most notable male progeny. All of Bella’s crias have been among the best in our program. They have all been recognized as top show winners with sought after fleeces. We have always had great anticipation waiting for her to deliver. 6 Traits @ 1% @ 10 years old. Rumble would be a perfect male for a new breeder that would prefer not to have other companion males as he would do fine on his own as long as the has girls to watch and think about. Rumble is housed with 3 other males and he is the alpha in his pen.

Updated 4/28/2023


WOW! Genetic EPDs & Color
River's Born to Rumble
Jr. Herdsire (Male)8 yrsWhite, Beige
Spun gold for fleece
River's Rumor Has It
Open (Female)8 yrsLight Fawn 
6 traits 1% or less EPD's
Rumble's Zakai Stargazer
Herdsire (Male)8 yrsMedium Fawn
Ask for Price
Nicely Balanced EPDs!
Stargazer's Alecia
Open (Female)8 yrsBeige 
Stargazer's Encore
Herdsire (Male)8 yrsMedium Fawn
Super Soft - Long Staple
Stargazer's Royal Crown
Male3 yrsLight Fawn
5 Traits In The Top 2% + Curve @ 5%
Stargazer's Royal Quest
Male3 yrsWhite
Top 1% & 5% EPDs
STARGAZER's Royal Quest
Herdsire (Male)3 yrsWhite
Not for Sale
He's #11 for AFD EPD -+- 6 Traits @ 1%
Stargazer's Zakai
Male8 yrsMedium Fawn