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GLR Moab-Champion MAPACA 2015

GLR Moab-Champion MAPACA 2015

Moab Reserve Champion 2015 GLR Moab/MAPACA 2013 GLR Moab/AOBA 2013 Dan; Cousey's Midnight Rock Sire; GLR Rastamon


GLR Moab

Alpaca, Suri, Male | True Black

AOA #32533910 | DOB: 5/9/2013 (11 yrs)


2015 Dark Reserve Herd Sire of the Year

GLR Rastamon

SuriHerdsire (Male)True Black
AOA# 31115674DOB: 8/28/200915 yrs
GLR Rastamon is the densest (Follicle Density 68, micron 20.9) blackest, true black that we have ever produced on the ranch. His sire is Shavano, our true black 1/2 Accoyo Black Color Champion. His mother, LCA Jaimica, is a 5Peruvian Silken daughter, one of Snowmass Alpacas very favorite dams, and one of the reasons that we bought Jaimica from Jack and Kelly Armstrong a few years back. This guy is jet black with no tipping, what so ever, and very impressive in comformation and in bone. He stands upright and proud, even as a juvenile and was awarded the Reserve Black Male Color Championship at his first show, at seven months old, at the 2010 AAA Futurity. His first crop of kids produced plenty of Color and Reserve Color Champions and the second crop followed suit. In theory, based on his fiber stats and pedigree, we hoped that he would step up the quality of his offspring to another level from his dad, AAA Futurity 2010 Herd Sire of the Year, Shavano. So far we are more than impressed with his kids and have him bred to more than half of our foundation females for cria in 2014! His offspring in 2015 earned him the title of AAA Futurity Reserve Dark Herd Sire of the Year. GLR Rastamon is closed to outside breedings. Awards Received 2010 AAA Futurity- 1st, true black juvenile males- Reserve Black Male Color Champion 2010 GWAS- 1st, true black juvenile male 2015 AAA Futurity Reserve Dark Herd Sire of the Year

Midnight Rock

SuriBred (Female)True Black
AOA# 31372039DOB: 12/2/200816 yrs
Midnight Rock is a jet black full Peruvian female, with dense, super lustrous fiber,extreme coverage and a beautiful suri head. She was bred to Shavano and gave birth to a jet black daughter, GLR Black Pearl who is stunning and immediately became a foundation female for us to retain for our herd. Midnight Rock's GLR Rastamon , GLR Moab was Reserve Black Male Champion at the 2014 AOA Nationals and the MAPACA Jubilee and 2nd at the AAA Futurity. GLR Moab is dense, big boned, super lustrous and will be fun to see mature. Midnight is now three for three in the black cria department with the birth of her 2014 cria GLR Miss Phoebe who sold to Karl and Jan Heinrich of Long Hollow Suris and will be a member of their 2015 show string and join their foundation female line up when she retires. Miss Phoebe is stunning, dense, with the same pearlized locks and luster of her mother with heavy coverage. We are honored with Karl and Jan's support of our breeding program as they really know their stuff when it comes to evaluating fiber and genetics. Miss Phoebe did very well as a juvenile in the biggest shows in the nation in 2015 and won the coveted Black Female Color Championship at the 2016 AAA Futurity. Midnight had a handsome fawn 2015 male cria GLR McQueen, also a Cinders' offspring, who as a seventh month old was the 2016 AAA Futurity and AOA Nationals Reserve Fawn Male Color Championship. Midnight is bred back to Cinders , the 2016 Dark Herd Sire of the Year and expecting a spring 2017 cria.




GLR Moab is the son of our true black Rockstar grandaughter, Midnight Rock. We specifically bought Midnight Rock, thinking and hoping that when bred to our Shavano pedigreed males that she would make a cria like Moab. We can't wait to see what he does in the show ring spring of 2014. His lock, density and luster are impressive to us even now as a little guy, so we are looking forward to how he matures over the next year. Both parents, Midnight Rock and GLR Rastamon are about as true black as they come with no tipping at all and that great blue black color. With a pedigree of deep black genetics and the excellent fiber characteristics that come from both parents, we have high hopes that GLR Moab will become an excellent up and coming junior herd sire. His first show was the 2014 AOA Nationals where he was first in his class of juveniles and Reserve Black Male Color Champion at only ninth months old and went on to do it again at the largest Suri show of 2014 at the MAPACA Jubilee. He has continued to do well in 2015 so far with a 3rd place at the 2015 AOA Naiotnals and First and Reserve Black Male Color Champion at the 2015 AAA Futurity. Moab went on to win the Black Male Color Championship at the 2015 MAPACA Jubile, the biggest Suri show of the year. A huge thanks to Karl and Jan Heinrich of Long Hollow Suri Alpacas and their partners from Over Home Alpacas, Allen and Rebecca Rebman and Richard and Carol Reed for their support of our breeding program with the purchase of Moab.


[CC] 2015 MAPACA Jbilee Black Male Color Champion
[1st] 2015 MAPACA Jubilee Black Erling Male
[RC] 2015 AAA Futurity Reserve Black Male Color Champion
[1st] 2015 AAA Futurity Yearling Black True Black Male
[3rd] 2015 AOA Narionals yearling true male
[RC] 2014 MAPACA Jubilee Reserve Black Male Color Champion
[1st]2014 MAPACA Jubilee true black juvenile male
[2nd] 2014 AAA Futurity true black juvenile male
[RC] 2014 AOA Nationals- Harrisburg, PA- Black Reserve Color Champion
[1st] 2014 AOBA Nationals 1st place juvenile true black male

Updated 8/12/2016