Herd Dispersal Top 5 EPDs
Columbia Mist Alamar's Antoine
HuacayaHerdsire (Male)White
AOA# 32140118DOB: 9/17/201014 yrs
Make us an offer that we can't refuse on one or more alpacas during our Retirement Herd Dispersal Sale! Only $500 down on Antoine and you can start breeding some great genetics into your herd. Then pay $500 per breeding or $1000 at the end of one year, whichever is more until he is paid off. He is significantly discounted because he does not socialize well with most males and will need to be kept in a pen by himself. He has had a very high end female that we also have for sale.
Antoine has a nice head on a balanced frame. He has good architect of fleece that has a long staple length. His fleece cracks when he moves showing a great density. Cosmetically he caught his right ear on the fence as a cria.
Antoine has great genetics with Caligula on his father's side and Microsoft and Camelio on his mother's side and Hemingway on both sides. Antoine is pheno typically correct. Both his sire and dam have given us some outstanding offspring!
Antoine's 2013 fiber sort showed 10 out of 10 for brightness, 4.5 out of 5 for density and 7 out of 8 for uniformity of micron with moderate amplitude and moderate frequency of 6-7 per inch. He had 53.0 oz of WR 1-2 in his blanket and 27.1 of the same in his neck. Staple length is 2 1/2 - 3 inches. Sorter said "bright, dense, uniform S/P, fleece lacking guard hair and had a slick hand."
Antoine's 2017 EPDs show that he is in the top 2% for lack of medullation, top 4% for staple length, top 6% for FW, top 15% for %>30M and for fineness, and top 17% for spin fineness. If you need to improve those traits in your female for a better cria then consider purchasing Antoine.
Antoine's EPD Results - 2017
Trait/ Value/ Acc/ Rank/ Rank%
AFD/ -1.163/ 0.507/ 3,513 of 22,959/ 15.31%/ Top 25%
SDAFD/ -0.198/ 0.507/ 7,129 of 22,959/ 31.06%/
SF/ -1.12/ 0.571/ 3,897 of 22,959/ 16.98%/ Top 25%
%F>30/ -4.749/ 0.574/ 3,325 of 22,959/ 14.49%/ Top 15%
MC/ -0.029/ 0.493/ 14,036 of 22,959/ 61.14%/
SDMC/ 0.369/ 0.526/
%M/ -4.619/ 0.413/ 449 of 22,959/ 1.96%/ Top 5%
MSL/ 3.423/ 0.419/ 1,006 of 22,959/ 4.39%/ Top 5%
FW/ 0.683/ 0.384/ 1,313 of 22,959/ 5.72%/ Top 10%
BW/ 1.085/ 0.102/
Whether you are interested in purchasing high quality alpacas for breeding, show, fiber or selecting a herd sire to breed to, you should use Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) as your most important selection tool in addition to evaluating phenotype and genetics. Our herd has some of the highest EPD accuracy ratings due to breeding some of the best genetics and due to the shear number of these genetics in the EPD database. Consequently you can also increase the probability of creating ideal offspring with up to 95% accuracy. Contact us to learn more about using EPDs. We have been using them to improve our herd since 2008.