Studmaster son, blue ribbon fleece
Brunello's Blackjack
Alpaca, Huacaya, Herdsire (Male) | Bay Black
AOA #30377226 | DOB: 9/29/2006 (18 yrs)
Dam: NWA Ltd. Tasie
30377226<--ari-->True Black<--color-->A dense blue black, bright fleeced dam with grey genetics. Her sire is Greystone, a well-known medium grey herdsire from Canada.<--description-->
This boy was sired by MSA Peruvian Brunello, a NWA studmaster. He has Hemingway for fleece fineness, PPPeruvian Dracula for crimp and extreme density, Camilio for all of the above. His dam is of Chilean heritage, with LSG, MSG, BB, and true black in her lines.She is the daughter of Greystone, a medium silver grey herdsire well known in Canada. Her dam,a bay black, comes from the Cortez line. Blackjack has won 2 blue ribbons for his fleece, 2007 AlpacaMania spinoff, and AWE 2008 spinoff. The Judges comments at Alpacamania; " Incredibly soft and silky fiber with great shine and brightness." Judge comments at the AWE competition: " Shiny fiber with beautiful brightness". Blackjack passed this crimp and brightness to the cria that we had out of our Jovanna, Alpaca Alley's Vixen. We decided, after seeing the results of this breeding, to see if we could find this male. We had purchased Jovanna already pregnant. We finally saw him for sale on the Rancho Keleje website, a farm in Fillmore, CA, and had the honor of purchasing this great boy. He arrived on our farm in mid-October 2010. With the purchase of Blackjack and Patagonia's Luigi, we have obtained superior genetics for our upcoming herd of blacks and greys. We already have a superior herd of whites, lights, and fawns, with royal fleece on most of our crias and yearlings. Blackjack sheared 8 pounds at 20 months of age, and has continued that tradition forward.

[1st] 2008 AWE Handspinner's Spin-Off

[1st] 2007 Alpacamania Handspinner's Spin-Off
Updated 7/9/2014