Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas


Sweet Blossom's Silvery Mocha

Alpaca, Suri, Male | Dark Rose Grey

AOA #32390575 | DOB: 4/23/2012 (12 yrs)



Godiva's Peruvian Royal Chocolatier

SuriMaleTrue Black
AOA# 822705DOB: 7/2/200123 yrs
"Choco" is full Peruvian and part Accoyo - one of the few black suri herdsires in the country who are! His beautiful fleece and solid conformation, along with his superior genes, are a welcome addition to selective suri breeders. He is a grandson on his dam's side of true black 4Peruvian Royal Black Gold, so the black genes run deep. On his dam's side, he is a half-brother to multiple blue ribbon winner and Champion, RFSS Peach Truffles. Choco's crias, many of them black, have been beautiful. World class alpaca judge, Amanda VandenBosch, said that she pegged Choco's son, Jasper (8 months of age), for her first place juvenile dark suri male as soon as he walked into the ring at the 2006 Sunshine State Alpaca Expo, and she then picked Jasper as her Reserve Champion over 14 other males, many two years and older then Jasper. The following month, Jasper was chosen as Color Shampion at the Southern Select 2006, and then he took a First at the 2006 MaPaca Jubilee, one of the largest alpaca shows. In 2008, Choco's daughter, RFSS Rosebud, was unbeaten in her color class and took two Championships. Choco's son, Ali of TCF, placed ahead of sons of Torbio, Commander in Chief, and Sirius Black in the 2008 Spring shows, taking a Championship at the Palmetto Classic and placing Fifth at the All American Alpaca Futurity. Another one of Choco's sons, RFSS Bonfire, tooke three Championships in three shows in Spring of 2009, at just eight months of age. There are far too many of Choco's award-winning offspring to mention here. One of his latest offpsring, Regal Raissa, is a medium silver gray! If you would like to take advantage of what Choco has to offer to your Suri herd, please contact us.
Dam: SOAA That's So Raven
Service Sire: Full Accoyo Sawyer

Next Great Herdsire!!

Full Accoyo Sawyer

SuriHerdsire (Male)White
AOA# 32141276DOB: 10/29/201014 yrs
Both of his 2015 offspring have excellent fiber coverage, nice luster and a good amount of density. UPDATE: Just had Dr. Norm Evans perform a skin biopsy on this beautiful male, and based on his density, S/P high bland presence and fineness he places in the top 1% of the suri males tested. The avg density for a suri male is 48 follicles. Density score (63.75 follicles), S/P of 10.5 to 1, high gland presence (Level 4) and fineness (18.1 microns), Micron Variation of 11.8 microns This young full Accoyo male is gorgeous! He hit the ground running in his show career by placing first in an incredibly competitive class at the 2011 Buckeye show; then by taking the reserve Championship over several exquisite older males. Judges raved about his consistency, luster, greasy handle, and heavy bone. He's out of National Grand Champion, Accoyo Kalvin (from the Jackpot line) and the maternal side of his pedigree is decorated with Accoyos Bruxo, and Ramilo. Sawyer at a young age (19 months old) has proven he knows what to do when it comes to the females. We are looking forward to his "official" breeding career starting 2013. 2013 Histogram (30 months): AFD = 19.3, SD = 4.1, CV = 21%, >30 = 1.8%, CF = 98.2% 2012 Histogram (17 months): AFD = 17.4, SD = 3.7, CV = 21%, >30 = 1.1%, CF = 98.9%
 AOA# 32141276 White




This boy was a surprise as he was being delivered - I knew his color was a bit unusual but not until his fiber was completely dry did I realize we had a Dark Rose Grey! He has a bit of grey splotch on top of his head and a splotch on the tip of tail. Amazing cria with loads of luster, and what a personality go with it.

Updated 7/15/2012