Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas
NAAS 2012

NAAS 2012

Green Mountain 2011 NAAS 2011 Sire: MFI Peruvian Precocious Dam: CCNF Opal

Precocious/Snowmass Nova cross!

CCNF Invictus

Alpaca, Huacaya, Herdsire (Male) | Beige

AOA #32004809 | DOB: 8/19/2010 (14 yrs)

Sire: MFI Peruvian Precocious

Futurity Champion!

MFI Peruvian Precocious

HuacayaHerdsire (Male)White
AOA# 30934542DOB: 3/11/200718 yrs
The son of Majestic Peruvian Jeremiah (2008 AND 2009 Futurity Light Herdsire of the Year) and a multi Champion dam, NWA, LTD Precious (a 4Peruvian Pacachuti daughter), Precocious brings two very important things with him to the table as far as we are concerned here at Cas-Cad-Nac. First and foremost is his quality. His fleece represents everything we love in a truly great alpaca: fineness, brightness, amazing density, uniformity throughout, and an outrageous staple length. Secondly is the simple fact that with the exception of his paternal sister, Johanna, he was completely unrelated to the rest of our production herd at the time he joined our breeding program. Can you say puzzle piece?! Having worked with Magical Farms off and on over the past years we had always been on the lookout to do something together so when this opportunity presented itself (and frankly after Precocious spanked us in the show ring yet again) we jumped at it. Precocious is currently standing at stud in Ohio but returns here to CCNF in early July of each year for a 6 month holiday. The first crop of Precocious kids born here throughout 2010 were in a word: dynamic. It is not by chance that two of them, brothers Tenacious and Invictus, joined their sire at the CCNF Stud Barn as working Herdsires in their own right in 2012. Nor that with only seven of his progeny from CCNF representing him, that Precocious was awarded Reserve Light Herdsire of the Year at the 2012 Futurity!
 AOA# 30934542 White
Dam: CCNF Opal


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Admittedly, when we bred Invictus’ dam Opal with his sire, Precocious, we were hoping for something a little darker than beige. Though Precocious is a white Futurity Champion he comes from a paternal line (Jeremiah/Jericho) just as renowned for it’s colored genetics as its light, so crossing him with Opal — who is black and likewise has not one but two of those nifty Futurity trophies of her own — wasn’t really over-reaching that much. So while we were perhaps put off a bit by the lack of darker fleece color in their resulting young boy, Invictus also showed that he had IT almost immediately. So what do we see in Invictus that makes him stand out? Simply put, he hits that nexus of fleece density and fineness, carrying his fleece uniformity way down into his lower belly and legs. On top of displaying the fleece characteristics of an elite light colored animal, let’s also not forget that he comes from dark colored genetics and that may, in the end, really be the clincher. Then combine that with his undeniable presence when you walk into the barn or out into his feed group’s paddock on the farm. He is simply one of those alpacas that makes people stand up and notice him. We often ask ourselves a very simple question when rating potential Herdsires: do we look at a given male and say “we’d like to have 10 more of those standing in our pasture?” The answer in this case is an unequivocal, yes. 2013 was quite a year for our now three year old Herdsire! Along with winning the Light Huacaya Male Championship at the 2013 AOBA National Fleece Show, Invictus also became a proven Herdsire, having had several crias born throughout this past summer. Perhaps more importantly, he has thrown color out of virtually every colored female he was bred to. In one case, he even sired a brown female out of a fawn dam. You can be sure that that got our attention in a hurry. So: a proven Herdsire with an elite light colored fleece that is capable of throwing colored offspring. We think we might just be able to find some work for him!


[CC]Champion Light Huacaya Male - 2013 AOBA National Fleece Show
[1st]1st Place - 2013 AOBA National Fleece Show
[RC]Reserve Champion Light Huacaya - 2013 PAOBA Breeder's Show Case Fleece Show
[1st]1st Place - 2013 PAOBA Breeder's Show Case Fleece Show
[CC]Champion Light Huacaya - 2013 MAPACA Jubilee Fleece Show
[1st]1st Place - 2013 MAPACA Jubilee Fleece Show
[1st]1st Place - 2012 New England Fleece Classic
[CC]Champion White Huacaya - Great Midwest Alpaca Festival (fleece)
[1st]1st Place - Great Midwest Alpaca Festival (fleece)
[CC]Champion Light Huacaya - Minnesota Alpaca Expo Fleece Show
[1st]1st Place - Minnesota Alpaca Expo Fleece Show
[RC] Reserve Champion Light Male - 2012 North American Alpaca Show
[1st] 1st Place B&O Yearling Male - 2012 North American Alpaca Show
[1st] 1st Place - 2012 North American Alpaca Show
[RC]Reserve Champion Light Male - 2011 Empire Extravaganza
[1st]1st Place - 2011 Empire Extravaganza
[1st]1st Place B&O Yearling Male - 2011 Empire Extravaganza
[CC] Champion Light Male - 2011 Green Mountain
[1st] 1st Place - 2011 Green Mountain
[1st] 1st Place Bred & Owned Yearling Male - 2011 Green Mountain
[2nd] 2nd Place - 2011 Northeast Alpaca Expo
[2nd] 2nd Place - 2011 Futurity
[1st] 1st Place - 2011 North American Alpaca Show

Updated 1/7/2015


CCNF Invictus Son
Brontti Excelsior
Herdsire (Male)11 yrsWhite
CCNF Adriel
Open (Female)8 yrsBeige, Light Fawn
Nova/Precocious/Archangel cross!
CCNF Baldric
Male9 yrsLight Brown
CCNF Invictus daughter!
CCNF Belle of the Ball
Bred (Female)10 yrsLight Fawn 
Shechem's Almond Blossom
Open (Female)10 yrsLight Fawn, Medium Fawn 
Spudland's Mr Spud
Jr. Herdsire (Male)8 yrsBeige
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Tierra's Mairzy
Open (Female)8 yrsBeige