[2nd] 2004: 2nd Place halter PAOBA, 2 yr old males - Judge said he had the finest

[1st] 2004: 1st Place composite AOBA National Conference, 2 yr old males, fleece score of 75 out of 100!!

[1st] 2004: 1st Place OABA AlpacaFest Fleece Show - A HUGE Show!!

[2nd] 2005: 2nd Place Virginia Classic Handspinner's Competition

[3rd] 2005: 3rd Place Western Ohio Triple Crown, halter (both judges agreed)

[2nd] 2005: 2nd Place Buckeye Alpaca Show 2oz Fleece

[1st] 2005: 1st Place AWE Handspinner's Competition

[1st] 2005: 1st Place IAOBA Riverside AlpacaFest 2oz Fleece Show

[1st] 2005: 1st Place AOBA Conference Handspinner's Competition

[1st] 2005: 1st Place OABA Fleece Show - the largest fleece show in history!

[2nd] 2006: 2nd Place F2F Spin-off

[1st] 2006: 1st Place VA Classic Spin-off

[1st] 2006: 1st Place Alpacapalooza Spin-off

[1st] 2006: 1st Place VAOBA Spin-off

[CC] [1st] 2006: 1st Place & Huacaya Spin-off CHAMPION IAOBA Riverside Alpacafest

[CC] [1st] 2006: 1st Place & Brown CHAMPION AOBA National Conference - spin-off

[1st] 2007: 1st TxOLAN Spin-off