West Coast Genetics NOW IN OHIO!!!
CPeruvian Axtion Jaxon
Alpaca, Huacaya, Herdsire (Male) | True Black
AOA #816025 | DOB: 8/10/1999 (25 yrs)
Sire: CPeruvian Jaxon
816025<--ari-->Bay Black<--color-->
Dam: CPeruvian Celine
816025<--ari-->Dark Fawn<--color-->
Axtion Jaxon has come to the Promised Land! Axtion Jaxon has never before been available for breedings outside of Colorado! We have purchased a half interest in this amazing male! He has maintained his exceptional fineness and lack of medulation well into his later life and he consistently passes on these characteristics to his offspring along with his pitch black coloration.
Axtion Jaxon is a Non-Fading True Black who won GET OF SIRE at the Mid America Show 11-05 competing against two strong whites. This is a rare winning for a black. AJ DOES add value and marketability to his cria's and they certainly will for yours. He is a predictable color breeder. The lightest color he has produced is light brown. Bring on the white and fawn females! He'll give you color. You want females? Most of his offspring are females! He is able to pass on color, fineness, very little medulation and tight crimp. He's been known to eliminate fiber imperfections in just ONE generation! Check out his micron for 2007! 22.0 AT 7 YEARS OLD! He is full Alianza, alpacas noted for maintaining fineness as they age and passes this trait on to their offspring.
AJ has proven himself in the show ring and with his offspring. A 4-time Reserve Champion, AJ has also won more than 20 blue ribbons for halter, composite and fleece including a blue ribbon fleece award at AOBA. Many of his offspring are winning ribbons in the show ring: Champions, blues and reds! in halter, fleece, shorn and composite shows.
We have made arrangements to offer breedings at very special prices for THIS YEAR ONLY!!! $2500 for the first breeding with discounts available for multiple breedings and for drive by breedings that can make this outstanding male very affordable! VERY special discounts are available for small breeders!! Call now to reserve a breeding!

[2nd] = MOPACA Invitational Alpaca Show 2005 Fleece Huacaya D-Adult (3yrs - 60 mo) Color Class - Darks (TB, BB, DB, MB, LB) Optional age class

[1st] = Mid-America Alpaca Show 2005 Halter Huacaya Get Of Sire

[2nd] = Great Western Alpaca Show 2005 Fleece BLACK HUACAYA 3-5 YEAR OLDS

[1st] = ABR Fall Festival 2004 Fleece HUACAYA MATURE - BLACK

[RC] = Southwest Regional Alpaca Show 2003 Halter Huacaya Black Male Color Championship

[1st] = Southwest Regional Alpaca Show 2003 Halter Huacaya Black Mature Male

[1st] = Great Western Alpaca Show 2003 Halter Huacaya True Black Two Year Old Males

[1st] = ABR Fall Fest 2003 Fleece Huacaya True Black Adult

[1st] = Second Annual Southwest Regional Alpaca Show 2002 Halter Huacaya 2 Yr Black Male

[2nd] = Estes Park Wool Market 2002 Halter Huacaya True Black 2yr Old Male

[1st] = ABR (Alpaca Breeder's of the Rockies) Fall Festival 2002 Halter COMPOSITE CLASS HUACAYA MATURE DARK MALE

[RC] = Estes Park Wool Market Alpaca Show 2001 Halter Huacaya Black Male Color Championship

[1st] = Estes Park Wool Market Alpaca Show 2001 Halter Huacaya Yearling True Black Male
Updated 10/16/2013
Best producer of cria!!!
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Reserve Color Champ!
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Full Peruvian Black
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Axtion Jaxon Son
PLF Peruvian Benedixion
Jr. Herdsire (Male)12 yrsBay Black
CPeruvian Axtion Jaxon Daughter
PLF Peruvian Giggles
Open (Female)13 yrsTrue Black
CPeruvian Axtion Jaxon Son
PLF Peruvian Jaxon Brown
Male13 yrsMedium Brown
Black & Grey Genetics
PLF Peruvian Miss B by Axtion Jaxon
Open (Female)13 yrsTrue Black
CPeruvian Axtion Jaxon Girl
PLF Peruvian Tootsie
Open (Female)13 yrsDark Fawn
Stirring Up Trouble
Bred (Female)11 yrsTrue Black
True Black Axtion Jaxon Son
Thatll Do Axtion Jaxon's Clark Kent
Male13 yrsTrue Black
Axtion Jaxon Daughter Comes w/ breeding
Thatll Do Axtion Jaxons Miss Cloud
Open (Female)12 yrsDark Silver Grey
True black Axtion Jaxon daughter
Thatll Do Axtion Jaxson's Babble On
Open (Female)13 yrsTrue Black