Service Sire: The Outlaw Jax
1312980<--ari-->Bay Black<--color-->The Outlaw Jax is an award winning full Peruvian proven black herdsire.
The proof is in the pudding and The Outlaw makes great pudding!
His off spring are 100% suri with over 65 on the ground, and almost always darker than the dam, including black out of white, that’s a lot of proof!
Outlaw sired Vicuna’s Ventania who sold for $84,000 at the Private Collection, and he also sired Modelo Especial, Black Icon, and Whoa Black Betty, and many more ribbon winning offspring.
The Outlaws off spring are known for their great wedge shaped head, exquisite lock and rock solid conformation.
We have found that breeding the Outlaw over the MacGyver line gives exquisive results every time!
Search no more, bring your girls to see The Outlaw, and add great color and value to your breeding program.
Amiee has done it again, third cria third girl, her first cria was a beautiful classic sliver grey, named Lavender Rose, her second a solid brown just like her self, and now a beautiful appaloosa! Amiee you keep us guessing!