Great things are happening for Crown Prince offspring!......who would have thunk? a white male producing a black National champion out of a brown dam? hmmmm, well, that is exactly why we bought CRown Prince 5 years ago! He never ceasees to amaze us.
Crown PRince son, Fresh Prince, won 2012 AOBA Nationals BLACK suri male champion!!!! Yep, Fresh Prince is taking after his GREAT sire Crown Prince, Winning national championship at age 9 months. You want National Champion Color, with no MacGyver? Prince is where you get it, Folks! Congrats Mystic Springs on this great win!
35 Crown Prince crias coming 2012! Should be an exciting year. We have only 3 coming of our own, but ALL over the country Prince crias will be out there for evaluation. 8 Champion offspring, ALL from non champion DAMS!!!!!
Many suri breeders have figured it out ( and a few huacaya breeders too!), Crown Prince is PREPOTENT !!
Another BLACK offspring! That makes 3, so far and none of them are out of Black bloodlines!!!!!!... We just sold one Black Prince daughter to Australia, word is getting out!
Need an Impact male? Well, Prince is certainly filling the bill here! He is turning out champion after champion from mediorce dams who never won in the ring. He definately fits my definition of PREPOTENT!!!!!
AROSA = Full histogram disclosure, please shop and compare!!
Avg staple grth .5mm/day!!!!!!!!!!!
5-yr 24.01 4.78 19.91 90.63
2-yr 18.37 3.96 21.54 99.49
3-yr 22.17 4.11 18.54 96.14
Crown Prince is the ONLY back to back 2X AOBA Nationals white halter Suri Champion!......who just so happens to have put 15 champions on the ground in his first 3 full years of breeding and all of them from non champion dams!!***** The offspring won championships in multiple color classes.
So how does a 12X Champion, 2X AOBA Champ, 2007 Futurity champ, follow up such an incredible show career?
Well, how about 15 Get of Sire wins , and 15 Champion offspring . But better yet, how about these 15 champion offspring coming from NON-Champion dams? excellent indication of Prince's prepotency !
...Prince's early production highlights
5 Black offspring !
5 brown offspring !
13 champion offspring
THEN...... 15 Get of Sire BLUES!...using over a dozen offspring in competition!!!! at 3) Best of US, 2) Indiana Invtl, 3)OABA, NE Expo,2012 MOPACA.2012 GWAS,2012 Buckeye,National Champions Show
View Crown Prince's offspring's Championships below under Awards.
Why are Princes offspring winning? Well, the judges tell us that they are "densest in the class" ," incredible independent lock structure", "best solidity of lock in the class", "very fine", " Very lusterous" , "phenominal coverage!"
looks like Crown Prince's 12X White Championhip banners, 20+ BLUES, 2-time AOBA Championships & Futurity Championship were excellent indicators of things to come!. Ya Dont see this correlation that often.


[CC]Manions Annaleigh 2013 Buckeye

[CC]AROSA Forte 2013 National Champions

[RC]Prince PoppyCock Reserve Champion 2011 Buckeye

[RC]BH Morgan fawn reserve champion 2010 National Champion

[CC]Jai white color champion 2010 National champion

[RC]Emily Fawn reserve champion 2010 Buckeye

[CC]Breeze white color champion 2011 BEST f US

[CC] AROSA Tula female champion 2011 National Champions Show and 2012 Buckeye

[CC] Fort Knox by Crown Prince 2012 CABO, 2012 Best US, MOPACA, GWAS

[RC] Fresh Prince Black Best of US 2012

[1st]1st Place // 2008 Buckeye

[1st]1st Place//2008 OABA

[1st]1st Place// Natinal Champions fleece

[1st]1st Place // 2008 National Champions

[1st]1st Place// 2008 Kentucky Cl

[1st]1st Place// 2008 Indiana Invtl yrlng level-5

[1st]1st Place// 2008 WOTC diamond

[1st]1st Place// 2008 TC Diamond yrlng halter McConnel

[1st]1st Place // 2007 Buckeye juvi halter

[1st]1st Place /// 2007 Empire White ylng halter

[1st]1st Place/// 2007 Futurity juvi halter

[1st]1st Place /// 2007 AOBA Nationals halter juvi

[1st]1st Place // 2008 Buckeye level 5

[1st]1st Place // 2008 AOBA Nationals

[CC]BEST of SHOW 2008 WOTC chmpshp of champs

[CC]Champion /// 2008 WOTC Diamond Halter Lavonna

[CC]Champion /// 2008 WOTC Emerald halter

[RC]Reserve Champion /// 2007 Futurity halter

[RC]Resv. Champion /// 2007 AOBA Nationals halter

[CC]Champion /// 2007 Empire white halter

[CC]Champion/2008 National Champions Alpaca Show

[CC]Champion National Champions show Fleece

[RC]Resv Champion // 2008 Kentucky Classic

[RC]resv Champion // 2008 Indiana Invtl level 5 show

[RC]Resv Champion // 2008 AOBA Nationals white

[CC]Champion Indiana Invtl, level 5

[CC] Color Champion 2008 Buckeye

[CC]OABA Champion //

[1st] 2011 GWAS

[1st] 2011 Ohio Buckeye

[1st] Best of US 2012

[1st] 2011 OABA

[1st] 2011 North East

[1st] 2011 Indiana Invtl.

[1st] 2010 OABA

[1st] Best of US 2010

[1st] 2010 Indiana Invtl

[1st] Best of US 2011,

[1st] 2012 MOPACA

15) Get of SIRE [1st] ( accomplished with the owner owning ONLY 4 breeding non-champion suri dams)