First Argo Cria due any day now, so excited
They have arrived 1 male 1 female both black!!!! We couldn't be more thrilled
We have listed Argo for sale as we have a bunch of his crias expected this spring, and being a very small farm, who's main focus isn't black, he needs to go to a farm where he will get more work
Both Sara Jane and Ken Hibbits pulled him out of the line up in consideration for supreme, just an outstanding male we have here.
Resolute does it again, another black out of our white herdsire Res, and what a black he is.
They don't come along very often like this, we knew Guin could throw colour but we were not expecting black!
He is little, but he is solid, nice head, broad chest, boxy frame,this little man has a bright future ahead of him.
We are anxious to get Argo breeding and will be offering a couple outside breedings this summer, if you are interested drop us a line.

2nd Place Yearling Black Male, Walking Fleece, Alpaca Ontario 2018, Winnie Labreque

2nd Place Yearling Black Male, Halter Alpaca Ontario, April 2018, Judge Jill MacLeod

Reserve Colour Champ, (to his full brother) Quebec Show 2018, Judge Arturo Pena

Place Yearling Black Male, Halter, Quebec Show, 2018, Judge Arturo Pena
[cc] Colour Champion Black Fleece, Lloydminster Alpaca Show, Oct 2017, Diana Timmerman

1st Place Yearling Black Fleece, Lloydminster Alpaca Show, Oct 2017, Diana Timmerman
[Cc] Colour Champion Black Male, Rockton Worlds Fair, Oct 2017, Wade Gease

1st Place Yearling Black Male, Rockton Worlds Fair, Oct 2017, Wade Gease
[cc] Colour Champion Black Fleece, Salmon Arms Fleece Show, Sept 2017, Jill Macleod

1st Place Juvi Black Fleece, Salmon Arms Fleece Show, Aug 2017, Jill Macleod
[rc] Reserve Champion Black fleece, (to paternal brother)A.L.P.A.C.A Fleece Show Aug 2017, Sonia Perron

1st Place Juvi Black Fleece, A.L.P.A.C.A Fleece Show, Aug 2017, Sonia Perron
[cc] Colour Champion Black, combined, CNCC, April 2017, Ken Hibbitts

1st Place, Juvi Black Male, CNCC April 2017, Ken Hibbitts
[cc] Colour Champion Black Male, Alpaca Ontario, Sara Jane McLennon

1sr Place Juvi Bkack Male, Alpaca Ontario Show, April, 2017, Sara Jane McLennan
[cc] Colour Champion Black, combined, Quebec Show 2017, Judge Helen Testa

1st Place Juvi Black Male, Quebec Show 2017, Judge Helen Testa