Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas
MAR 2020

MAR 2020

MAR 2020 April 2019 May 2018 April 2017

8X Champion!!!!!!


Alpaca, Huacaya, Herdsire (Male) | True Black

AOA, CLAA | DOB: 7/1/2016 (8 yrs)


Supreme Champion producer

Xanadu P. Resolute

HuacayaHerdsire (Male)White
AOA# 30505339DOB: 3/18/200619 yrs
Resolute Sire of 3X Supreme Male, Tiger Park In Excell Resolute...sire of 8X Champion Black Male AVEREGAN'S ARGO Resolute...sire of 7X Grand Champion Black Male AVEREGAN'S AFTERSHOCK (owned by Sunnyhill Alpacas) Resolute... sire of the 2015 Supreme Male at the Quebec Show!!! -- We have now closed Resolute's outside breedings, and he will continue to be used in house only. AVEREGAN ALPACAS and HUBBERT FARMS are proud to introduce XANADU P. RESOLUTE to our Herdsire lineup. Described by a leading judge Jude Anderson as having the “WOW FLEECE” of the 2007 GWAS show and that she had "never seen a fleece with so many crimps per inch 12-13, it’s the closest to fine merino fleece that anyone has ever seen," as she placed him Reserve Champion of 98 White males (level V show). “Resolute is on of the best males we’ve produced in 15 years of breeding” (Pamela Ray Xanadu Farms) Resolute is the proud daddy of many coloured offspring, ranging from the classic whites and fawns, to dark browns, BLACKS and even GREYS! Not only is Resolute throwing colour, but this colour is QUALITY. With almost every single one of his offspring having a first year AFD of 17 and under (all the way down to 13) we are very proud of him. Resolute is still 19.5 microns at 9 years of age, just like his outstanding sire Barnabus ~ AWARD WINNING OFFSPRING ~ MAKA RESOLUTE'S TAOS, SUPREME MALE, 2015 Quebec show AVEREGAN'S MIDAS- BEST IN SHOW - RESERVE CHAMPION - Averegan Alpacas HELLEWISE OF PETERBORO - LIGHT CHAMPION COMBINED - LIGHT FEMALE CHAMPION - LIGHT FEMALE RESERVE CHAMPION -SUPREME FEMALE... sold to Norway HC RESOLUTE SALUTE- JUDGES CHOICE - 4X CHAMPION WINNER - Manna Meadows ISABELA OF PETERBORO- FAWN FEMALE CHAMPION - SUPREME FEMALE - Hubbert Farms AVEREGAN'S AFTERSHOCK - 6X BLACK MALE CHAMPION - Sunnyhill Alpacas AVEREGAN'S MAGNUS...Supreme Halter and Supreme Fleece Champion AVEREGAN'S ARGO...8X Champion Black male
Dam: Grazing Hills Knightly's Guinevere

Grazing Hills Knightly's Guinevere

HuacayaBred (Female)Dark Brown
AOA# 1193572, CLAA# DOB: 8/20/200618 yrs
Guinevere is such an easy going girl. She has excellent color in her background with lots of black and grey. A solid producer with a really pretty phenotype, Guin is a real gem and an excellent example of a true foundation female. She has been bred to Diomedes multiple times and every single one has been a real show stopper and identical to each other. Not to mention Guin produces the absolute cutest babies ever, phenotypically pleasing with tons of coverage! Guin has done it again! Lannister is yet another Diomedes gem, covered in shiny shiny curls and an adorable boxy frame with the typical Accoyo head type. Watch for him in the showrings! Miss Guinevere has been rebred back to our Resolute for a 2016 cria. We are truly excited to see what this combination produces! Looking at both their track records it should be stunning! A true black male, what a great surprise. There was black in the pedigree and Resolute found it. This little man is square, solid with great bundling already. Guin was bred to FDA Bold Rulers Olaf out of Amanda Vandeboch's herd. she delivered an adorable little fawn male, with tons of length and shine. She is being rebred to Resolute again for 2020 for a full sibling to Argo and Argonaught.and come with this years little man at side. She is priced according to her age not her quality, i believe she will still be breeding for a few years as she is in good health and is such a sweet easy keeper. Sale pending
 AOA# 1193572, CLAA#  Dark Brown




First Argo Cria due any day now, so excited They have arrived 1 male 1 female both black!!!! We couldn't be more thrilled We have listed Argo for sale as we have a bunch of his crias expected this spring, and being a very small farm, who's main focus isn't black, he needs to go to a farm where he will get more work EIGHT SHOWS....EIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP RIBBONS!!! Both Sara Jane and Ken Hibbits pulled him out of the line up in consideration for supreme, just an outstanding male we have here. Resolute does it again, another black out of our white herdsire Res, and what a black he is. They don't come along very often like this, we knew Guin could throw colour but we were not expecting black! He is little, but he is solid, nice head, broad chest, boxy frame,this little man has a bright future ahead of him. We are anxious to get Argo breeding and will be offering a couple outside breedings this summer, if you are interested drop us a line.


2nd Place Yearling Black Male, Walking Fleece, Alpaca Ontario 2018, Winnie Labreque
2nd Place Yearling Black Male, Halter Alpaca Ontario, April 2018, Judge Jill MacLeod
Reserve Colour Champ, (to his full brother) Quebec Show 2018, Judge Arturo Pena
Place Yearling Black Male, Halter, Quebec Show, 2018, Judge Arturo Pena
[cc] Colour Champion Black Fleece, Lloydminster Alpaca Show, Oct 2017, Diana Timmerman
1st Place Yearling Black Fleece, Lloydminster Alpaca Show, Oct 2017, Diana Timmerman
[Cc] Colour Champion Black Male, Rockton Worlds Fair, Oct 2017, Wade Gease
1st Place Yearling Black Male, Rockton Worlds Fair, Oct 2017, Wade Gease
[cc] Colour Champion Black Fleece, Salmon Arms Fleece Show, Sept 2017, Jill Macleod
1st Place Juvi Black Fleece, Salmon Arms Fleece Show, Aug 2017, Jill Macleod
[rc] Reserve Champion Black fleece, (to paternal brother)A.L.P.A.C.A Fleece Show Aug 2017, Sonia Perron
1st Place Juvi Black Fleece, A.L.P.A.C.A Fleece Show, Aug 2017, Sonia Perron
[cc] Colour Champion Black, combined, CNCC, April 2017, Ken Hibbitts
1st Place, Juvi Black Male, CNCC April 2017, Ken Hibbitts
[cc] Colour Champion Black Male, Alpaca Ontario, Sara Jane McLennon
1sr Place Juvi Bkack Male, Alpaca Ontario Show, April, 2017, Sara Jane McLennan
[cc] Colour Champion Black, combined, Quebec Show 2017, Judge Helen Testa
1st Place Juvi Black Male, Quebec Show 2017, Judge Helen Testa

Updated 11/16/2020


Arriba Winona
Bred (Female)5 yrsBay Black
Not for Sale
He's our boy!
Averegan’s Nighthawk
Male3 yrsMedium Fawn
Not for Sale
Sale Pending
Open (Female)4 yrsLight Fawn 
3X Champion Black!
Bred (Female)3 yrsTrue Black
Not for Sale
Cria Female3 yrsLight Brown 
Sale pending
Jr. Herdsire (Male)5 yrsTrue Black