19.9m Blue ribbon fleece - Top producer
KCAF Christina
HuacayaOpen (Female)Dark Brown
AOA# 30529885DOB: 10/11/200915 yrs
2018 EPDs: Top 25% for 3 traits: AFD, SF and MC.
Christina is proving herself to be perhaps our very best production female. Her crias are extremely typey, with excellent density and fineness, high frequency crimp and conformationally correct with even temperaments.
At the Alpacapalooza show (April 2011), despite getting the gate, she scored 90.5 out of 100 on a 20-point comprehensive evaluation done in person by AOBA judge Sharon Loner who asked why she didn't get a ribbon. Well, she did earn a blue ribbon for that fleece the next year. In addition, her fleece exhibits evidence of derived secondary fibers as there are fibers in her fleece that look like fine, single fibers, but when they are rubbed apart, two or more fibers are present.
Christina has looked like a prize alpaca since she the day she was born and looks even better all grown up. She has tons of blue ribbon winners, as well as champions, in her family tree. Her parents are two of my very best and Christina is their best yet! I have complete confidence in stating that she will be a consist producer of blue ribbon winners and champions. She is unrelated to Accoyo and Snowmass bloodlines...huge potential, IMO.
She was born at 17 lb. and 336 days gestation with correct overall structure and excellent health and growth. On her first day, just 336 days from conception...her plush fiber over flowed her eyes and jaw. She is nearly full grown now and she still exhibits a gorgeous text book phenotype along with an exceptional calm temperament, excellent body capacity and substance of bone and condition, correct overall conformation and movement. Her fleece has excellent density, crimp character, uniformity and staple length along with coverage everywhere she has skin and that wonderful next to your skin, buttery, silky soft handle.
I've owned many alpacas in her pedigree and besides show winners they are also known for health and soundness and off the charts lactation (newborns gaining one pound per day) and IgGs (3000+).