Reference Only Deceased
Majestic's Cristal Champagne
HuacayaOpen (Female)Medium Fawn
AOA# 35150138DOB: 8/11/20168 yrs
Cristal Champagne is one of the world's finest and most expensive champagnes and when we were searching for the perfect name to describe this beautiful fawn female Cristal Champagne seemed to fit her deep golden color perfectly. She is the result of breeding CR Peruvian Cristal Snow and Jumanji and this medium fawn beauty is destined to take her place in the show ring as have all the makings of this pair. Cristal's sire, Jeremiah's Peruvian Jumanji, 2016 Futurity Herdsire of the Year in Dark and Reserve Herdsire of the Year in Light is known by the success of his offspring and their fine, dense, bright, crimpy fleeces with enviable staple length. As you open her fleece you will find density, brightness, fineness, uniformity and character from skin to tip with a consistency that we love to see in our very best crias.