[REF] PJA Altitude's Aerie
HuacayaOpen (Female)Medium Rose Grey
AOA# 32223989DOB: 3/1/201114 yrs
Aerie had a unique grey coloring -- the lavender-grey of of early morning light across the Rockies.
Her fiber was very fine with great uniformity and consistency between the light and dark fibers. Her crimp, a low amplitude / high frequency that gave lively energy to yarn made from it. This is not surprising, as the granddaughter of ATV Addonnis, 14x Champion in his day (which was amazing in that time!)!
She was bred to Mile High Deacon Grey, 14x Champion grey male for her first cria! We were so excited that she produced a lavender grey girl in her spitting image (well, except for her definitive brown leg!) Gracie was slow to embrace breeding, but now produces lovely grey offspring herself!
Aerie was bred to another great grey male for a 2015 black girl, our lovely Primrose. Primrose is one close to our heart and will likely stay at our farm for her life. On top of it, she makes wonderful fibered crias!
For her 2016 cria, she produced a classic rose grey girl from Avatar. This one is the best yet! We named her Loraleigh. Loraleigh has gone on to produce her own grey cria, namely our regal rose grey male, Reposado.
When bred to the stunning Granite's Bay Royal Steel she produced a lovely DRG male. If you have not seen Steel in person, put your hands on his fleece, you should! He has 'all that' in fineness, shine, crimp, organization, density, and LOTS of coverage. His CMRG boy by Aerie was a little off the mark but had great fineness and shine. Siderite has moved on to his own future at another farm.
She followed this by a beautiful silver grey boy sired by US Steel, that we named American Ultra and added to our herdsire row. Last but not least, she gave us our Lilac Bloom.
But, giving her a year off last year, we didn't know this was to be her last. She passed away suddenly, one day the picture of health and the next day slipped away quietly from what a vet has said is indicative of heart attack.
We are immensely sad to lose our quiet and calm Aerie and hope she is enjoying green fields where she is at.