Home Coldwater Creek Alpacas
Iona in full fleece 2023 Shorn head, fawn spot on nose Her island of fawn on her nose Clouds of long fleece! Rear view Right side Left side

SOLD to Meadowlark Heritage Farm!

Stirling Ridge IONABred

Alpaca, Huacaya, Yearling Female | White

AOA #36254057 | DOB: 5/29/2022 (2 yrs) (Due Date: 1/1/1900)

Sire: Grazing Hills BRADFORD

21.5 micron at 13 yrs, CF 95%!

Grazing Hills BRADFORD

HuacayaHerdsire (Male)Medium Fawn
AOA# 32173253DOB: 6/26/201014 yrs
We are EXTREMELY happy to have acquired BRADFORD from Grazing Hills Alpacas! We have NEVER offered him for sale before because we like his genetics so well. This is your chance! Bradford is the half brother of our dearly departed Dirk. Both are sons of Accoyo-America DIOMEDES, who is now deceased. Diomedes imprinted his handsome head and his amazing fleece characteristics to these sons of his and for that reason we jumped at the chance to have another Diomedes boy on the farm! WITHOUT A DOUBT, THE DIOMEDES BLOODLINE HAS ABSOLUTELY CHANGED THE QUALITY OF OUR HERD. Bradford x Vanora = Kaeleigh: our first Bradford baby born on the farm June 2020. She's a beaut! Kaeleigh is so pretty we rebred Vanora to Bradford . . . and Kenzie . . . and Muireall . . . and Khloë! Three of those four have had their cria and they have GORGEOUS fleece! Many of our breedings will be to Bradford again. That's just how nice we think he is! Bradford has a beautiful head, nice bite, boxy conformation, wonderfully straight topline, super fleece characteristics. Handsome on all counts! He is an eager breeder, ready for action, and we are offering his drive-by breedings at $600. 2023 Expected Progeny Differences (EPD) results were ranked out of 30,965 males: TOP 5% for AFD, —1.947: likely to decrease fiber diameter in offspring TOP 17% SDAFD, —0.367: likely to decrease standard deviation in offspring TOP 5.4% SF, —1.92 likely to decrease spin fineness in offspring TOP 7.6% %F>30, —6.271: likely to decrease fibers over 30 micron in offspring TOP 17% MC, 2.974: likely to increase mean curvature in offspring Ranked 66% for %M, -0.049, likely to decrease medullation in offspring Ranked 49% for MSL, -.276, likely to decrease staple length in offspring Ranked 75% for FW, 0.02, likely to increase fleece weight slightly in offspring With results like this at 13 years old—that's what we call LINGERING FINENESS! You will see that we have used him with our girls A LOT: he has much to offer and he passes it down to the next generation! Is it fineness you need? Then bring your girls over, especially your coarser girls with longer staple. With this guy, it's hard to imagine you won't get a better-fleeced cria from a breeding to Bradford! Discounts for multiple breedings.
 AOA# 32173253 Medium Fawn

TOP 8.5% Fleece length in nation


HuacayaOpen (Female)White
AOA# 35317357DOB: 6/21/20168 yrs
Khloë's claim to fame is the LONG staple length she puts on her babies. Her cria from 2022, Iona, has amazing length of 5 1/2" and as a yearling she sold quickly because of it! Khlo-khlo just had another female cria (beige out of white!) in June of 2024 (Vivianne), the result of a breeding to true black Antonio of Golden Pines who has a 22.7 micron in his 10th year! This Black Friday Auction is for Khloë only and includes a breeding to Antonio again. Click on her EPD stats on the side bar. Here's what she is predicted to give her cria from the latest 2023 EPD results: Ranked 35% for AFD value —0.639, her offspring are likely to have a finer AFD than average Ranked 54% for SDAFD value —0.064, her offspring are likely to have a lower standard deviation than average Ranked 35% for Spin Fineness value —0.63, her offspring are likely to have a lower SF than average Ranked 36% for %F>30 value —2.93, her offspring are likely to have less % of fibers>30 micron than average Ranked 26% for Mean Curve, value 1.717, her offspring are likely to have more curve Ranked 86% for %Medullation, value +1.208 her offspring are likely to have more M than average. However, "The full impact of medullation remains a question at this point in time" (quote from Yocom-McColl labs). TOP 8.43% for Mean Staple Length, value +2.257 , her offspring are likely to have a longer SL than average TOP 21% for Fleece Weight value +0.398, her offspring are likely to have a heavier FW than average Khloë's 3rd year histogram was even better than her second year! We are EXCITED to have our first Snowmass offspring and she has grown into a lovely lady, proven with an easy & unassisted birth, healthy & hearty cria, lots of milk, and now rebred. Khloë's sire is Snowmass Snow Legend who has quite a remarkable background. Snow Legend is son of one of the most unique full Accoyo sires in the US, Snowmass Incaaccoyo Star (I-Star), who was sired by the one and only Peruvian Snowmaster. I-Star passed on his great conformation to Legend including bite, straight legs, & straight top line, as well as his FANTASTIC fiber with a tight and uniform crimp, lock structure, density, coverage, soft handle & bundling and luster. Khlo's dam is our own Muireall, a beautiful medium brown girl with lots of Acero Marka genetics. Khloë is named after our first granddaughter, Chloë. We initially thought our Khloë was going to be born on our granddaughter's birthday--that didn't quite turn out, but we kept the name anyway and our granddaughter was delighted with our choice!
 AOA# 35317357 White




IONA, has just been sold to Meadowlark Heritage Farm! Congratulations on a "fine" choice! She is the beautiful white daughter of white Khloë and medium fawn Bradford. She is named after the Scottish isle of Iona because she has a small medium fawn spot on the left side of her nose! Her genetics carry Snowmass Incaaccoyo Star, Snowmass Snow Legend, Peruvian Snowmaster, Microsoft, Caligula, Hemingway, and Hemingway-Accoyo Nautilus lines, making her 11/16 Peruvian, 3/16 Bolivian, and 1/8 Chilean (if I did my math correctly!) We now have her histogram on this first year shearing and it is VERY LONG, phenomenally long! 141mm to be exact which is 5 1/2 inches!! Looking at Khloë's and Bradford's EPDs, this combination which produced Iona is likely to give her a finer fleece (AFD -1.229), a better spin fineness (-1.205), a very low percent of fibers over 30 micron (-4.3), more curve (+2.316), a longer staple length (+0.794), and a bit heavier fleece weight than average (+0.265). I'm glad to explain these numbers in more detail if you give me a call! She is a larger alpaca like her mother and I expect her to be able to birth easily and unassisted. If she's like her mom in the milk department, she will have plenty and her offspring will need no supplementing. That makes life easy.

Updated 1/11/2025