[NFS] Majestic's Trouble
HuacayaHerdsire (Male)Medium Silver Grey
AOA# 35150022DOB: 5/29/20177 yrs
Trouble lived up to his name, having experienced a complete but closed break in his leg has a yearling shortly after we acquired him. After surgery and casting to place his bone, convalescence, and then further recuperation to restore muscle in his affected leg as well as time for his other leg to recover strength after its strain of bearing all his weight -- he is "good as new"! Whew. I think he drained dry his 'trouble bank' (we hope). But, it is good to see him in good health with no movement or health issues.
So, our boy grey up to be a macho... he has on the ground a silver grey boy Rabble Rouser out a silver dam, and a LRG girl Golden Amethyst out of our rose grey Lorileigh! We love that he is producing improved fiber in the dam's coloration!